Erin Marquis
Staff Writer

When there’s a (gasoline powered) car parked at the Diesel pump. Even worse when the owner went inside and left their Prius parked at the pump. Read more

It’s not my theory to claim (I got it from Paul Ingrassia, in his book Engines of Change), but an argument can be made that the Chevrolet Corvair got George W Bush elected - that through attempting to destroy Nader’s reputation rather than letting any controversy from Unsafe At Any Speed blow over, they inadvertently Read more

Damn, why all these dogs be barking right now? did someone blow a whistle or something?

A beater car. Or truck.

Oh boy is this a can of worms. My car is my mobile lifeline and its got just about everything in it. I’ll cover some of the big stuff.

Nevermind. I didn’t actually click the link in the original story. 

Now playing

Though this one might be the best. introduced a new generation to Nick Drake. 

It’s true, I’m VERY fancy and extremely independently wealthy. That’s why I work at Jalopnik, obviously.

I mean, I dunno, the SS logo is pretty easy to spot and if someone wants to advertise their beliefs like that, you owe it to them to at least give them a glance. IMO.

I wouldn’t call you a sympathizer, but maybe this isn’t a hill to die on. That said, thanks for reading the story. I genuinely appreciate you taking the Read more

Toyota Highlander, it’s like a Sienna only worse in every conceivable way.

Either the animators were massive racing fans or at least they extensively studied racing footage.

Green with tan interior Z

Yep an Explorer in Eddie Bauer trim.

Neon. It is the ninetiest car to ever nineties. When I picture a nineties car it in nearly always Neon-esque with its circles and soapbars look.