Erin Marquis
Staff Writer

I know your pain.

It still counts, and now I get to embed your answer for all to see!

The Wire” for life.

You can actually hear their style progress (the early songs were self-recorded on a Panasonic RX-FT500) and most of the early songs are about his multiple crippling drug addictions, his abusive asshole step-father, and the time he spent as a psychiatric nurse on a lockdown ward. The more recent albums are more concept Read more

This is so pure.

The Ford Motor Company’s “The Huddle” email in full: Read more

More fingers=faster blogs. I should as for a raise...

I’ll have you know I swim in the Detroit river every summer and it’s left me with a healthy green glow. 

These guys often spend a couple hundred on many pieces of crap, so a few thousand on one piece of crap is honesty more efficient.

My Irish cousins sent me their pre-tubthumping albums when I was in middle school and it made me pretty radical--both in terms of coolness and in terms of politics.

I didn’t know this band! They are very my jam. Thanks!

My father continues to play lead guitar in a prog rock cover band to this day, haha. He’s also the one who also got me into cars.

Fuck. I missed that when it got changed it up. Thanks man.

We Detroiters loved his column. I regularly rant on Detroit themes, but I don’t hold a candle to Foley. No one does.